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Don's 80th Birthday Party

December 2, 2006

Exeter, New Hampshire


Don makes his entrance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 

  1. Go Don makes his entrance
  2. Go Jerry and Ginny Lachance, Don and Randy
  3. Go Matt and Uncle George
  4. Go Uncle Jack enjoys Donna Harrington's singing
  5. Go Bucky Bailey, Carol and Bob Stevenson and Jerry and Ginny Lachance
  6. Go Aunt Shirley regales Alison, Ian Scott, and Kaitlin
  7. Go Kelsey and Dana with Donna
  8. Go Kathleen
  9. Go Ginny Henry
  10. Go The George and Shirley Walker family with Don
  11. Go Bob and Carol Stevenson and Bucky and Sandy Bailey with Don
  12. Go Marge and David Joy with Don
  13. Go Ginny and Jerry Lachance with Don
  14. Go Aunt Margaret, Ralph and Uncle Jack with Don
  15. Go Singers and onlookers
  16. Go Brian, Kathleen and Randy with Don
  17. Go Jane and Randy with Don
  18. Go The Steve and Kathleen Henry family, Ginny Henry, and Ian Scott with Don
  19. Go Don and Joanne
  20. Go Everybody