- Go Don makes his entrance
- Go Jerry and Ginny Lachance, Don and Randy
- Go Matt and Uncle George
- Go Uncle Jack enjoys Donna Harrington's singing
- Go Bucky Bailey, Carol and Bob Stevenson and Jerry and Ginny Lachance
- Go Aunt Shirley regales Alison, Ian Scott, and Kaitlin
- Go Kelsey and Dana with Donna
- Go Kathleen
- Go Ginny Henry
- Go The George and Shirley Walker family with Don
- Go Bob and Carol Stevenson and Bucky and Sandy Bailey with Don
- Go Marge and David Joy with Don
- Go Ginny and Jerry Lachance with Don
- Go Aunt Margaret, Ralph and Uncle Jack with Don
- Go Singers and onlookers
- Go Brian, Kathleen and Randy with Don
- Go Jane and Randy with Don
- Go The Steve and Kathleen Henry family, Ginny Henry, and Ian Scott with Don
- Go Don and Joanne
- Go Everybody