How to get to our cabin at Bay Center
For the visually-inclined,
we present four maps with
varying levels of detail. But
be sure to look at the writ-
ten directions, too. They tell
exactly how to find our cabin. |
Helpful information for using our cabin
Pointers about everything,
including how to turn on the water;
what the kitchen, sleeping & bath
situation is; what local amenities
are available; and what to do in
various emergencies. |
Rain, shine and everything in between
Bay Center's weather is highly
changeable from hour to hour.
Check the weather in Hoquiam to
the north and Astoria to the south
to figure out Bay Center's weather.
Check the tides while you're at it.
Oystering and Indians stand out in county history
Thumbnail sketches of nine Pacific
County towns: Bay Center, Raymond
South Bend, Nemah, Naselle, Ilwaco,
Long Beach, Nahcotta, and Tokeland.
(Most of this information comes from
the Tacoma Public Library.)
When thou seest an eagle. . . lift up thy head!
You can see birds of the forest,
shore, marsh, saltwater and freshwater
in Bay Center. Here are some of the
birds you might see and the times and
places you're most likely to see them.
And a Guide to Northwest Gulls. |
Follow these links to learn more about Pacific County
Want to know the county's property
values or what people are dying
of? How about a primer on growing
oysters? You can also learn about a
company that sells boat rides on
the bay. And more.